As always; there are rules to these things and it is, as always, asked that you obey and respect the rules. So; let's begin.

The content and page designs and imagery used in creation of this site is copyright (©) Dave Minton 1999-2010.

There is to be no reproduction; distribution; or sale of any of elements or imagery of these items/products/proporty intelectual or otherwise.

That said; the characters and drawings; photographs; and written material that are held on this digital medium are the intelectual proporty of Dave Minton and also under copyright of Dave Minton 1999-2010. Distribution, editing, or other forms of copying or saving onto digital or hard-copy forms are strictly prohibited under US Copyright Laws. These laws are upheld by the United States Copyright Office and all Local/Federal enforcment agencies.

Please respect my wishes and my art by enjoying it as you would nature... observe, be joyed, and be inspired by it... do not take it as a showing of a lacked effort or inspiration on your own part. We all have a creative skill. perfect your own skill and take witness to mine.

Thank You.
